I'm New


Welcome! We want your first visits to feel comfortable. Here are some things to expect from us:
We are fairly casual in our dress and worship. If you want to come in your jeans, sweats, or dress clothes, it's all good with us.

Worship participation is up to you. You will be invited to stand for some songs, if you are able. There are no public greetings or recognition of visitors, but you can expect a few people to introduce themselves and greet you warmly.

Our worship order is fairly traditional, but our music ranges into some contemporary songs with a folk music feel to them. We do have a choir, but our pastor plays guitar. It's a fun mix!

Offering will be taken, but no one is watching to be sure you give.

Worship typically lasts one hour.

We have communion on the first Sunday of each month. On this Sunday, children stay in worship for the full hour. Every other Sunday, they are dismissed to children's church early in the worship service.

If you are interested in trying out Sunday morning Bible study, here is a list of available classes. Most classes gather at 9:30am and are getting started by 9:45am. You can contact us before you come to see which class best suits you.

Wednesday is a great time to get to know us more personally.
Dinner at 5:15pm in the Fellowship Hall is bring your own supper and very casual.
There are several study options at 6:15pm, including children and youth. Contact us for the latest offerings.
Choir is always open to singers and meets at 7:15pm.
Young Adults meet at 7:15pm in Room 120.

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When we Meet

Sunday Mornings

9:30 am and 11:00 am

Wednesday Evenings

6:15 pm

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.